تسجيل الدخول


A. General Information
Name Of Company  *
Details of all Premises in Qatar  *  
Name and contact details of Technical Manager  *
Name and contact details of Deputy Technical manager  *  
Address  *  
Telephone  *
Fax  *
Email  *
Website  *
Name of Sponsor / Partner in Qatar  *
Contact Details of Sponsor / Partner  *
Company SHALL provide details of all the Lifting Equipment Activities that the Company is involved in and wishes to be accepted by QatarEnergy as a QLIP/QTIP. *See Section J for Required Documentation.
Inspection  *
you will need to have permanent staff in Qatar to do inspection. *
Training  *
Company SHALL provide evidence that for items 12 and 13 above there are specific references made to standards, specifications or guidelines. *See Section J for Required Documentation.:
Does the Company have Permanent Staff located in Qatar?
Do all Lifting Equipment Inspectors meet LEEA or equivalent qualification?
Do all Lifting Equipment Personnel Trainers meet LEEA or equivalent qualification?
Is there a documented record system for all training?
Do all personnel have access to necessary reference materials?
Company SHALL attach a copy of its Organisation Chart in Qatar, indicating which resources are onsite and which are offshore. The chart shall indicate all positions giving position name/technical title and whether the position is vacant or full, permanent or temporary. *See Section J for Required Documentation.
Company SHALL attach copies of all inspectors and trainers including details of Educational and Technical qualifications. *See Section J for Required Documentation.
Does the Company hold Financial Accounts with a Bank in Qatar?
Name/Address of Bank:
Does the Company have Insurance Cover for its operations?
Company SHALL attach copies of its last three (3) years audited and authorised financial accounts.
Company SHALL attach copies of its Insurance cover(s). If the insurance is based from and / or held by a corporate entity, the company SHALL provide verification of endorsement by an Insurance Company in Qatar.
Is the company a part of a larger international organisation, registered and has an office in Qatar?
If Yes, the Company SHALL provide a copy of the Corporate Profile and any regional / local profile ensuring particular reference to line and functional responsibility and relationship between the corporate entity and the company’s operations in Qatar.
Company SHALL also provide information on the corporate backup available to them in the form of resources, equipment and facilities related to all activities likely to be requested by QatarEnergy.
Additionally Company SHALL provide information on the geographical location of support, worldwide offices, personnel and any 3rd Parties or Agents to be used by the Company to perform its activities and their relationship to the Company.
Is the Company Certified ISO 9001?
Is the Company Certified ISO 14001?
Is the Company Certified OHSAS or ISO 18001
Is the Company Certified ISO 17020?
Is the Company Certified ISO 17024?
Is the Company a member of LEEA or an Accepted equivalent?
Do you have a minimum of 5 years proven past experience in Oil and Gas Industries and can provide a list of all forms of lifting and fall protection equipment inspection and certification activities that the Company has the capability of performing in Qatar?
Do you have a minimum of 5 years proven past experience in Oil and Gas Industries and can provide a list of all forms of lifting equipment personnel training and certification activities that the Company has the capability of performing in Qatar ?
Is test equipment calibrated and verified at least 12 monthly?
Is test equipment accurate to the required standard?
Has all test equipment been verified over full range of movement?
Are Out of Commission / Redundant Test Equipment/Machines isolated and clearly marked to avoid inadvertent use?:
Are there procedures in place for checking and verifying test equipment?
Is there a designated quarantine area for non-complying materials?
Is all lifting equipment marked with its SWL? :
Is the Report of Thorough Examination, dated, traceable and a record retained in the job file?
Does the Report of Thorough Examination, as a minimum, give all of the information required by QatarEnergy?
Are records kept for a minimum of 7 years?
Are records kept of defect reports indicating action taken?
I hereby confirm that I/the company SHALL provide all the below required hardcopy, attachments, necessary documents/information/identification to QatarEnergy following this submission. *
  • Copy of its Qatar Commercial Registration Document.

  • Details of all the Lifting Equipment Activities that the Company is involved in and wishes to be accepted by QatarEnergy as a QLIP/QTIP. *See Section J for Required Documentation.

  • Copy of its Organisation Chart in Qatar, indicating which resources are onsite and which are offshore. The chart shall indicate all positions giving position name/technical title and whether the position is vacant or full, permanent or temporary.

  • Copies of all inspectors and trainers including details of Educational and Technical qualifications.

  • Copies of its last three (3) years audited and authorised financial accounts.

  • Copies of its Insurance cover(s). If the insurance is based from and / or held by a corporate entity, the company SHALL provide verification of endorsement by an Insurance Company in Qatar.

  • Copy of the Corporate Profile and any regional/local profile ensuring particular reference to line and functional responsibility and relationship between the corporate entity and the company’s operations in Qatar.

  • Information on the corporate backup available to them in the form of resources, equipment and facilities related to all activities likely to be requested by QatarEnergy.

  • Information on the geographical location of support, worldwide offices, and personnel and any 3rd Parties or Agents to be used by the Company to perform its activities and their relationship to the Company.

  • Current certification documentary and other evidence associated with 24 to 28 above.

  • Current copies of memberships of any trade organisations it is a member of.

  • A list of clients, International, Regional and Local, for which it has certified lifting and fall protection equipment and lifting equipment personnel.